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Android Gotchas: #3 Mystic Debounce
1 min read

Android Gotchas: #3 Mystic Debounce

Debounce Operator

So debounce is a pretty cool operator in Rx. When you want to emit an item only after a certain amount of time has passed, debounce does that in a pretty simple way:

fun debouncedSource(): Observable<Any> {
    return source().debounce(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Testing Debounce

Now that you have solved your problem with debounce, it’s time to write a small test and set it in stone.

fun “should debounce events every 15 seconds’() {
    // when

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    // then
    observer .assertValueCount (1)
    observer .assertNoErrors()

Hit ^R to run the test and 💥

Value ounts differ, Expected: 1, Actual: 0


Looks like our sweet little debounce operator runs on its own sweet little scheduler and our TestSchedulerwasn’t able to override it. Only took an entire day to figure that out! 🤦‍

Rescue Time

Pass a scheduler to debounce

fun debouncedSource(scheduler: Scheduler): Observable<Any> {
    return source().debounce(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler)

and use the TestScheduler to test.

fun “should debounce events every 15 seconds’() {
    // when

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    // then
    observer .assertValueCount (1)
    observer .assertNoErrors()

Hit ^R to run the test and ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

java 1 total, 1 passed Expected: 1, Actual: 1

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